Seeking fame, the group breaks Galactic Law to travel into the Quarantine Zone, the final battle of the Galactic War, which sets of a series of events that drags them into a perilous journey with the fate of the Galaxy at stake. Star-Lord, leader of the recently formed Guardians of the Galaxy. Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy takes place in its own timeline and picks up a few years after a massive galactic war between the Resistance (an amalgamation of different worlds and peoples) and the Chitauri. Can the band of misfits sync up and successfully save the Galaxy or is this iteration of the Guardians doomed to fail? Now months on from that initial reveal, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy has finally landed. So when Square Enix announced Eidos Montreal’s Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, many were skeptical due to controversial designs, the lack of playable characters outside of Star-Lord, the MCU-like vibe of the released trailers and the general reception to Square Enix’s last-published Marvel game, Marvel’s Avengers.
Team Ninja’s Marvel’s Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order received average scores and Crystal Dynamic’s Marvel’s Avengers was widely panned. While Insomniac Games managed to deliver two stellar Spider-Man games, other developers and publishers haven’t faired as well. Marvel’s attempt at breaking through in the games industry has been mixed.